The London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025
Run for children with NKH
Run London Landmarks Half Marathon with the Mikaere Foundation in April 2025
Run the LLHM and make a difference! One in three children born with NKH won’t see their first birthday. We can change this outcome! Conquer this stunning closed road, central London run – the only half marathon to go through both the City of London and City of Westminster. This scenic run is great for first-time runners or regular runners wanting to hit their PB.
Date: Sunday 6 April 2025
Registration fee: £30
Location: Pall Mall, London, SW1
Minimum sponsorship: £395 (excluding gift aid)
Registration and payment close date: 19th January 2025.
Why take part?
- Get your own, personalised, Mikaere Foundation running vest and regular support in the lead up
- You’ll be making a real, tangible difference to children’s lives.
- We have TWELVE SPOTS in exchange for meeting the fundraising target, first in first serve. The public ballot has sold out – so run with us!
Charity Place
Apply for a charity place with the Mikaere Foundation today!
Registration Fee: £30
Fundraising Target: £395
Date: Sunday 6 April 2025
Registration now closed.
Already have a place?
If you have a ballot place on the 2024 London Landmark Half Marathon, we’d love to have you on the team!
Join for free, with no minimum fundraising target. We just ask that you raise what you can, so we can keep pushing for a future for children with NKH.
The Course

Why we need you
The Mikaere Foundation needs your support more than ever. By fundraising, you’ll help fund:
- Groundbreaking research into effective treatment and gene therapy therapy for Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH) – drastically changing the outcome for children born with NKH.
- Support services for children and families living with NKH. With NKH comes seizures, dystonia, pain and developmental delay.
- Outreach to newly diagnosed families, so they have support in their corner, right when they need it.
- Getting NKH specific information to families, nurses, therapists, carers and doctors.

could fund special restriction enzymes, used in NKH Research. These work like molecular scissors to cut up the long strands of DNA in our cells. This is vital in helping us learn more about the genetic mutations of NKH.
could fund a months worth of outreach, providing NKH information to newly diagnosed families right when they need it most.
could fund a week of a post doc researcher, analysing sample assays, which tell us if NKH gene therapy is working in our models, getting us closer to a cure.
How to fundraise
We’re here to help you with your fundraising. Every year people just like you raise hundreds, or even thousands, of pounds. Here’s our handy guide to how you might get your fundraising started (and have fun at the same time!):
Host a film night – £100
Whether it’s a retro-classic or so bad it’s good, get a space, some popcorn and invite people to a cosy film night. Ask them to pay what they would in a cinema.
Have a clear out – £150
Having a big sort out is great during any time of the year. Sell your unwanted clothes and accessories online to rack up the cash.
Host a paint and sip night – £100
Source several art kits and stock the fridge with a few bottles of bubbles, and paint with your mates! Charge a ticket price to cover the kit and wine, with a bit extra on top for your fundraiser.
Host a dinner party – £150
Wine and dine your friends and family by inviting them to your home for a dinner party or a BBQ. Ask them to pay what they would in a restaurant.